Women in the patriarchal world face restlessness and they often continue to experience a desire for intense nurturance and relationality. They were not allowed to enter the patriarchal world, ie, the external world and the world assign to them is the domestic space and women were given only the role of mere care taker.
To cope up with this difficulties and to come across this state of affairs they choose romance reading as a medium. And it is said that the act of reading draws the women away from their present surrounding and situation. and they consider this as a legitimate way of denying a present reality.ie, the escape from reality.
According to the latest study the number of women reading romances has exceeded to 84 percent . and it is said that women used to read five to nine romances a week and 4 to 16 romances a month.
women consider this particular means of escape is better than that of television viewing because the cultural value attached to book is greater than that of television.
For a women reading a romance gives them a satisfying taste of what they are missing from their own life. Romance reading is considered as a declaration of independence from the social roles of wife and mother. By placing the barriers of the book between themselves and their families these women reserve a special space and time for themselves alone.
romance reading is both an assertion of deeply felt psychological needs and means of satisfying those needs. reason for reading romances are quite complex. some novels are very good at offering the emotional sustenance women carve for and the other fails.some women read romance to escape the burdens and lonliness of houseworks and childcare.
Reading is not just for the basic needs of escapism and relaxation, there is a core mythology that alleviates deep seated psychological burdens as well. women have been taught to believe that men must be their sole source of pleasure. although here is nothing biologically lacking in men to make this ideal pleasure, their engendering and socialization by the patriarchal family traditionally makes the very traits that would permit the to nurture women in this way.
Because they are encouraged to be aggressive competetive and unemotional, men often find sustained attention to the emotional needs of others. both unfamiliar and difficult.
Thus reading romance enable women to imagine themselves being tenderly cared for and protected by a fictive character who inevitably proves to be spectacularly masculine and unusually nurturance as well.
Thus its says that women turn to romance because the experience of reading the novels gives them hopes and provide a pleasure for them.
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